Tag Archives: Portugal

No es ‘Adios’ sino ‘Hasta luego’


Kristin and I with our host mom, Cristina. Love her!!

Oh, the adventures of returning back to the USA! Why, you might ask? As I type, I am currently at my aunt & uncle’s home in Charlotte, NC, because flight #4 of 4 on my journey home to New Orleans was cancelled yesterday evening. Luckily I have relatives here who could rescue me from the airport (forever grateful!). This 25 hour return home journey has just turned more into 40 hours!

I started this post on plane # 3 of 4 on my journey back home. Right now it still feels a bit surreal to be back in America. Let’s just say that my journey though customs was a bit of a Spanglish mess (used words like gracias and hola a lot more than necessary!). :p I’m already missing Spain, but I know that now is the right time to come back. I accomplished what I meant to do in Spain, and that’s the best I could ask for! If my 30 hour conversation with my cab driver yesterday or my 4 hour conversation with a new Spanish friend in the Madrid airport aren’t indications that I’ve achieved fluency, then I don’t know what is! I’ve updated my More from la Vida en Sevilla gallery with some photos of my last days in Spain.

So this morning I’v embarked the journey of returning to some of American ways. I’ve been thinking about what to say in this post for awhile, and I’ve compiled a list of some of the things I know I’ll miss most about Sevilla but also what I’m grateful to return home to:

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Filed under Post-Return

¡Viajes y más!

Once again, I’ve been SUPER busy recently! It’s a different kind of busy than at Penn; aside from class, there’s less crew practice & club meetings but more time spent traveling and even just studying. I’ve even found that I review my notes a lot more here since it’s especially important with all of my classes in Spanish to clarify what I don’t understand every day. I should probably start doing this more at Penn! :p Anyway, here’s some more updates from my last post:


How surreal is this?!? My favorite photo from Ronda.

Ronda– Two Saturdays ago, I went with the MCP program to visit Ronda, located in the mountains. Let me just say that it was “gorge-ous”! (Yes, I know it’s an awful pun but it was so pretty & there was a huge gorge!) You can check out my photos of Ronda at this link, but here’s some other highlights: Continue reading

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Filed under Life in Spain, Trips