Tag Archives: Africa

No big deal… just went to AFRICA!

Meet my new amigo, Señor Camel!

You heard right: how did I spend last weekend? Traveling in MOROCCO! My adventure officially made Africa the third continent I’ve visited. Since southern Spain is so close, it wasn’t so much a question of “Why travel to Morocco?” but more a question of “Why not?!?” Not only was it an extremely enjoyable trip, but it was also eye-opening in ways I didn’t expect. When I told friends or family back home that I was traveling to Morocco, there were lots of warnings to to be careful. The culture is definitely different and I would not have traveled by myself (for more reasons than just security), but I never felt unsafe. Although we saw many poorer areas and it is a developing country, there is also a vibrant culture filled with honest, hard-working people who are just trying to make a living. Also super impressive: most of the Moroccan people speak multiple languages! They known Arabic & Spanish but in many cases also English, French, or other languages. Although some Moroccans have had formal language education (we saw lots of immersion schools), many shopkeepers we spoke with said they picked up many of their language abilities from interacting with tourists.
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Filed under Life in Spain, Trips